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Showing posts from August, 2017

Trust God

Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight ( NIV ). “Police, Police, a young man stole my bike.”   Minutes earlier the gentleman stops at the local store. Thirsty from the summer heat, he decides to get a drink.   Dismounting his bike, a kind young man greets him with a smile and offers to watch the bike. Grateful for the offer, the gentleman hands over the bike.   He enters the store. On returning, the bike and young man had vanished. The gentleman had a good heart, but he had misplaced trust.   Trust in the Lord is paramount (Hebrews 11:6). Life cannot be maneuver through our wisdom, we need the wisdom of the Savior.   He alone can handle our life cycle issues.   A fulfill and successful life with Jesus comes through obedience and surrender. The Lord then guides us into an everlasting peace despite difficulties and hindrances.   The next time

I Need You

God is with us way before we need Him. I was coming from Publix supermarket. I stopped briefly at the red light yelling at my kids about money.   You want, want, want and not understand how money is made.   Anyways, I proceeded to drive through the red light. Another car was coming, but, the person wasn't in a hurry getting where he was going.    I heard faint horns blowing in the distant.   I looked up as I was traveling  directly under the red light and realized what a God I serve!   I immediately thanked Him for watching over me. If you are anything like me, which I am working on, you call out to God when there is a immediate need. Prayers come out something like, “God, you know me. I really need you right now.”   What if God treated you like you treat Him and answered when He felt like it.      When it’s convenient, you pray. Prayer is supposed be about having a relationship with God. It's constant communica.  How your relationship with the Father? Just remember, God i

Smile And Make Someone Day

I have noticed more and more people smile less. I said good morning to a guy at work and his response was, "Don't tell me how to have my morning."  Maybe it's the stress of life. Maybe he had to place his goals on the back burner because of life issues. How can we get more people to smile again?  Smiles have disappeared and are replaced with frowns and sadness. We can make a difference, if each of us go back to the basic and show care and concern for our fellow man. I assure you smiles will return. Let's get back to showing the love of Christ to others.  Too many people are holding burdens. There's money issues, husband issues, children issues, job issues, car issues, insurance issues, I don't need to go on.  This day, smile at someone. It may be just the thing that person needs to make it through the day. The guy at work could have had a lot on his mind so I am going to say good morning again, but this time, I'm going to smile and let him know it

About Me

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Kitt Swanson
Tampa, Florida, United States
Check out my newest published book: Troubles Don't Last, You Do! It motivates and inspires you to stay hopeful during trying times.