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Showing posts from April, 2018

The Small Stuff

For without me ye can -- do nothing." Doctor: "I have good news and bad news." Patient: "What's the good news?" Doctor: "You have 24-hours to live." Patient: "What's the bad news?" Doctor: “I couldn't reach you yesterday."      It's easy to complain about your circumstances. It becomes difficult to preserve a positive outlook on life in a world of unemployment, high crime rates, and rising gas prices.  Just this past week, I struggled with keeping a positive attitude.      Several employees' names went missing from our division's database; meaning, no pay.  Alright I confess! I deleted the names, accidentally of course.  Calls poured in one-by-one; upset over the removal of their names.  To make matters worse, two other records appeared in the place of the recovered files. I tried to explain to my boss how the error occurred, but she was not hearing it. What a catastrophe!        Wh

Be of Good Cheer!

Sometimes we get down in the dumps and don't know how blessed we really are. Instead of thanking God for what you have and don't have, you feel like life slipped you a lemon wedge. Look around. There is always someone doing worst than you. God has given you everything you need. You just need to know how to use what you have. If I told you right now, that you have 8-hours to live, what would you do? Now that's stress!  Take Jesus for instance, He knew when He was going to die and He did a lot up to the end of His life.   In John Chapter 12, He had a meal with Lazarus, whom He raised from the dead.   His feet were anointed with spikenard oil by Mary’s hair. He then took a victory lap through the city on a donkey.   He talked about the Father and He being One. Of course, there were skeptics in the audience but that didn’t stop Jesus from still telling everyone about the Father. Chapter 13 of John, he grabbed the towel of humility and start washing feet of those he loved

Stand Up!

Remember the story where Jesus went to Mount of Olives early in one morning. He went there to teach the people in the temple. How convenient for the scribes and Pharisees show up with a woman caught in adultery.  They put her in front of Jesus saying, “Teacher, this woman was caught  in the very act of  adultery,"  Then, they recite the law of  Moses saying, "that such should be stoned. But what do You say?”  They stood there waiting for Jesus to respond.  Sometimes people just want to see how you will react, when they push your buttons. Don't let them push your buttons. Let's look at Jesus' body language in the story.  The first thing Jesus does is stooped down and write on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear them.  Stooping down can mean you need to go in prayer.  Many times when you're engulfed with troubles from the outside (job, family, money) and troubles from within (fear, worry, anxiety, depression), you need to

God Will Provide

    Do you sometime forget that God is handling your troubles?  You're not alone. Abraham knew all too well about God providing for him, but, every now and then, he forgot the lesson.  God told Abraham he would have his own son. Abraham forgot that promise.  How can a man start out walking, not knowing where to go and get there to forget God took him there and blessed him? We all have lapses of memory from time-to-time. When God tells you He has your back, He means it. It doesn't matter what the circumstance look like, God is not slack concerning his promises like men (2 Pet 3:9).  Do you know why that is? Because his credibility is on the line and He doesn't want you to lose your soul.  He gives you everything you need to succeed. Look at Abraham story:      God told Abraham to go the land of Moriah, and offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering on one of the mountains he tell him. Abraham got up early, saddled the donkey and

About Me

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Kitt Swanson
Tampa, Florida, United States
Check out my newest published book: Troubles Don't Last, You Do! It motivates and inspires you to stay hopeful during trying times.