Sometimes we get down in the dumps and don't know how blessed we really are. Instead of thanking God for what you have and don't have, you feel like life slipped you a lemon wedge. Look around. There is always someone doing worst than you. God has given you everything you need. You just need to know how to use what you have.
If I told you right now, that you have 8-hours to live, what would you do? Now that's stress! Take Jesus for instance, He knew when He was going to die and He did a lot up to the end of His life. In John Chapter 12, He had a meal with Lazarus, whom He raised from the dead. His feet were anointed with spikenard oil by Mary’s hair. He then took a victory lap through the city on a donkey. He talked about the Father and He being One. Of course, there were skeptics in the audience but that didn’t stop Jesus from still telling everyone about the Father. Chapter 13 of John, he grabbed the towel of humility and start washing feet of those he loved along with his enemy’s feet. For a man that was about to die, he was very busy. Next, he exposed his enemy, Judas. He told his disciples He was leaving them. I can’t imagine how they felt. It was like having a friend in a hospital bed dying I guess. They had to be sad. He told them where he was going, they couldn’t come (at least right then). Peter didn’t understand and said he would die for Jesus, to which, Jesus told Peter that’s nice but you will deny me not once, but three times (John 13:38). With all that sadness, Jesus stilled encouraged his friends with these words:
If I told you right now, that you have 8-hours to live, what would you do? Now that's stress! Take Jesus for instance, He knew when He was going to die and He did a lot up to the end of His life. In John Chapter 12, He had a meal with Lazarus, whom He raised from the dead. His feet were anointed with spikenard oil by Mary’s hair. He then took a victory lap through the city on a donkey. He talked about the Father and He being One. Of course, there were skeptics in the audience but that didn’t stop Jesus from still telling everyone about the Father. Chapter 13 of John, he grabbed the towel of humility and start washing feet of those he loved along with his enemy’s feet. For a man that was about to die, he was very busy. Next, he exposed his enemy, Judas. He told his disciples He was leaving them. I can’t imagine how they felt. It was like having a friend in a hospital bed dying I guess. They had to be sad. He told them where he was going, they couldn’t come (at least right then). Peter didn’t understand and said he would die for Jesus, to which, Jesus told Peter that’s nice but you will deny me not once, but three times (John 13:38). With all that sadness, Jesus stilled encouraged his friends with these words:
“In the
world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the
world.” John 16:33. Do you see
the joy in that statement? Jesus is letting you in on a secret. You will overcome
whatever life throws at you, because He did it!
And you still have something else to look forward too! Man, God is good!
“Let not
your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s
house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to
prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come
again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” John
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