It takes a village to raise a child. In the old days, everyone in
the community would watch out for the children. It didn't matter if the
child belonged to the person or not. Everyone watched and discipline
all the children alike, then, the parent was notified. Juvenile crimes were way
down. Children were too afraid to carry out evil acts because there were
so many watchers. No home camera or babysitters needed because the
neighborhood watch team was on the defense. No child was hungry or
without basic needs. As members of the community grew older and the children
departed, the characteristic of the neighborhood slowly disappear.
Similarly, the Heavenly Trinity is a
heavenly community that cares for the needs of mankind. We get
love from the Father, He watches over us (Psalms 34:15), provides our
daily needs (Matthew 6:31), and corrects us through discipline (Hebrews
12:11). Mankind disobeyed God’s law and God sent Jesus to redeem us
back into the Father's good graces. Soon after, the Holy Spirit arrived and
lives among us to gently remind us of all God's commandments. He is
our watcher. As you can see, we have a village that watches us. The
difference between this community and our neighborhood community is
that this community doesn't fade away, its eternal. It takes a village to
raise mankind too. Isn't that awesome?!