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I Didn't See That Coming

Arriving at work, I put my lunch bag in the refrigerator, fired up the computer and  entered my logged on.  The phone rang.  "This is Ms. Swanson," I told the caller.  "Yes, right away."  I hung up the phone, reached for my keys and raced downstairs asking God to provide what I need from the spiritual realm. I wasn’t sure what I would run up against. A policeman was at my car writing a ticket. One of the sergeants’ saw my handicap placard on the seat and called me to come down quickly. While racing to the car, I noticed my IPhone watch on my arm. I wasn't allowed to wear it at work, especially with security violation written all over the action. I forgot to take it off! Supposed someone saw it, I could lose my job. Right at that moment I remembered to get my retainer from my purse when I put it in the truck. It could melt in the heat, costing a replacement cost of $300. All I can say is, "I didn't see that coming!"  Do you know who else didn't see an event unfolding? Satan! He didn't see Jesus getting out of the grave (Matthew 27:62-66 & Matthew 28:1-6).  Crucifying the Son of God, the demon celebrations began. Satan thought he eradicated his arch enemy from existence. Notwithstanding, Jesus rose on the third day and reigns forever. I guarantee Satan didn't see that coming. Whatever going on in your world, know that God sees it and has put a plan in place to order your steps (Psalms 37:23). He sees what's coming, aren't you glad?


Anonymous said…
Thanks. This helped me.
Kitt Swanson said…
Bless the Lord. God has amazing ways to share himself with us all. Stay prayed up and press towards your heavenly reward.

About Me

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Kitt Swanson
Tampa, Florida, United States
Check out my newest published book: Troubles Don't Last, You Do! It motivates and inspires you to stay hopeful during trying times.

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