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Showing posts from October, 2017

Star Box

        Did your mind drift after reading the title of this post. I didn’t say Starbucks, I said star box. Many times during Christmas you see gift boxes with stars on them. The best gifts placed in the box were given to your favorite friend or family member. The star made each box gift precious.  It was a symbol of honor and riches. One night I was laying outside on the ground, gazing up at the stars.   What a sight to behold! The stars twinkled in the night sky. I bet close-up they look like diamonds. It got me wondering about the wonders of Heaven. I bet Heaven looks like an expensive palace. Queen Elizabeth doesn’t live that good.   Diamonds and satin white everywhere. Of course this is just my imagination, but, I felt at peace thinking about the stars and Heaven.  I thought I’d share my thoughts and take you to a peaceful place. There’s not enough peace in our lives with all the hustle and bustle going on. Therefore, the next time work stresses you to the point of acting ou

Children Wisdom

My son and I were in the post office.   He noticed photos on the wall of different people.   He turns to me and asked who were those people. I told him the police wants us to help them capture the people.   He asked how?  I continued to tell him if we saw the person to call the hot line and tell the police where we saw them. Then, he ask me, why didn’t the police keep them when they took the picture. I stopped and looked at my child. Sometimes children say the most amazing things. They see what adults can’t see because their minds are innocent; not clouded with preconceived notions adults developed as they grow into adulthood. Children teach us things we’ve forgotten like: ·        Sharing ·        Trust ·        Forgiveness Someone can do evil to a child in their class, and an hour later, it’s as if it never happened.   Someone mistreat us at work and we are cutting our eyes at them, working an evil revenge to get back at them, forever.   Children pushed down by anoth

When You Think You Can't Take It Anymore

Several hardships at one time pushes you to your limit. If it’s one thing, you could handle it. But several at one time!   You start your day with car trouble and as the day progresses there's child issues, spouse issues, job issues, money issue, when will it stop?  It's gang-up-on you day. You try to handle one at a time but then they snowball into one big heap of a mess. It's more than you can handle. When I get to that point, I get in my car, roll up my windows and scream at the top of my lungs, while driving down the highway. I look like some mad woman racing down the road yelling. Well, that’s how I relieve the pressure from my troubles.   Yep, I scream until I can't scream anymore. I get out all of my anxiety. No longer am I overwhelmed.   I feel bad afterwards. I realize what I didn't do. I didn't take that problem to God.  He’s there waiting for me to ask for help.   What do I do? I tried to handle it alone. Guess what? Problem still there.  I

About Me

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Kitt Swanson
Tampa, Florida, United States
Check out my newest published book: Troubles Don't Last, You Do! It motivates and inspires you to stay hopeful during trying times.