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Don't you love surprises? I do. It's that time of the year where you are surprised with many gifts.
Surprises come in many forms. I like mine in cash HA! But, hey, I'm not picky. I know you do too.
The best moments are those you didn't plan for. I received my bonus back in March. I worked hard and knew that money was coming my way. My boss showed no enthusiasm or excitement about what was coming. I sort of felt like my bonus was going to be peanuts.  I reminisced about reorganizing the supply cabinet and how I cleaned out the conference room stuffed with junk and how I had to put up with people who would clean out the microwave after they spilt stuff in it. I snapped myself out of my thoughts and smiled at all the changes I had contributed to my new workplace. I guess the girl I replaced gave up--not me! I pushed forward and waited for the fruits of my labor.  It took so long for the bonus announcement to come out, I forgot about it. Finally one morning I came in and placed my purse on the desk. My boss motioned me to his office.  He handed me a piece of paper and my heart  sank.  Yep! I got more than I could have imagined. I didn't get a bonus--I got a raise!!! I was so surprised. I knew I would get something but nothing like that. I told you this story to say this: whatever you are given as a gift, be thankful. You don't know what the person had to sacrifice to get you that gift. Many are on fixed incomes and others don't have jobs. But they thought enough of you to do something for you. That's called love. A thank you with a smile goes a long way. And even if you know of a person's condition and they give you a gift, don't make light of the could be a surprise! Jesus didn't come in the world as a King, yet He is a King of Kings and Lord of Lords. More than any human would have imagined. Don't you agree? Surprise!!!!


About Me

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Kitt Swanson
Tampa, Florida, United States
Check out my newest published book: Troubles Don't Last, You Do! It motivates and inspires you to stay hopeful during trying times.

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