In my office meeting, the meeting slides were posted on the screen. Many of my co-workers made comments on my slide presentation. I was busy jotting notes. Suddenly, I overheard one lady from the back of the room ask, "Where's the division chiefs travel trip information kept?" Another person chimed in saying , "The general said our information is inaccurate!" Wait just one minute, I said in my head . My head came up like a cobra. "What information is wrong?" I asked. I was ignored as the group chatted among themselves. "What information?" I shouted over the group noise. The group chatter seemed to get louder. Now I was irate. "What information?!" The one lady goes on to say, "the division chiefs calendars," to which I replied, "The travel trip report is up-to-date." I won't bore you with the whole conversation but to shorten it, the group were talking about the calendar where the di
Welcome to my encouragement blog! "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine" - Proverbs 17:22