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Take Heed

Have you had one of those days where everything is going well?  The children doing well in school. Spouse happy.  Your job is going well. Bills all paid.  Then disaster hits. Stuff happens you didn’t expect.  The microwave stops working.  A storm comes through and destroy towns. The car dies.  You name it, it happens.  When all is good, take heed.  Remember who owns this world. Satan doesn’t want you to be happy.  He feeds off your misery and sadness.

Jesus had a day when all went well.  In Luke 3:16-17, John baptized Jesus.  Immediately coming out of the water, Jesus saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit of God descended on Him like a dove.  Suddenly, a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased.”  A great bonding time with the Father! Then comes the devil.  After Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit led Him into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. Although Jesus led into the wilderness by the Spirit, this shows Satan fell within the purpose of God. The temptation happened because God allowed it.

It seems Satan finds the wrong time to attack you, when in fact God allow the attack for His purpose.  You say you love the Lord. Do you? This is the time to show it.  What do you do?  Pause!  Pray and allow God to guide you through your trying time. Don't panic. Satan can't do no more than God allows.  Keep  the faith and obey when it seems impossible.  God tested His people in the wilderness. He rained manna and Quail from Heaven to see if the people trust Him to feed them every day.  He told the people to only take a days’ worth and no more. People will be people. Israel failed the test as hoarders. Learn from their mistakes. When your test comes, take heed that you do not fail.   Make the Father proud. Remember what He taught you through His word.


About Me

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Kitt Swanson
Tampa, Florida, United States
Check out my newest published book: Troubles Don't Last, You Do! It motivates and inspires you to stay hopeful during trying times.

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