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The Advocate

Who is your favorite courtroom lawyer? I can think of several television lawyers. My favorite is Perry Mason. I own the Perry Mason collection written by Stanley Early Gardener. I love unsolved law cases and how the murderer is revealed in an unorthodox way during the courtroom rumble.  Mason would use his courtroom wit to point out  criminal evidence . It’s never the person everyone thought did the crime.  Perry Mason was an awesome factious lawyer.

It got me thinking about our spiritual lawyer.  The Greek writer used the term Paraklētos in the Gospel of John to refer to the Holy Spirit as our advocate or lawyer. He's not talked about much like God the Father and the Son. Yet, He has an important role in our lives.  He pleads your case before God, He guides you through this life with hints on how to maneuver around the evil one and He present truth in your situation (John 14:16–17; 14:26; 15:26). He knows you.  You don’t want to stand before God without good representation. In the courtroom of Heaven, Satan will try to condemn you to hell with his lies. However, the Holy Spirit knows the truth and presents the truth in a logical manner.   He objects to every statement Satan makes about you to God and removes negative light shredded on your life in the court of law.  The Holy Spirit knows how to fight. He also knows how to help you put on the right garment to fight Satan (Ephesians 6.10).  See, nothing to worry about. Your lawyer is defending you right now.   Best part of this is there’s no legal fees to pay or for you to worry about losing the case. The Holy Spirit wins every case.  Aren't you glad He's on your side?  What a lawyer! 


About Me

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Kitt Swanson
Tampa, Florida, United States
Check out my newest published book: Troubles Don't Last, You Do! It motivates and inspires you to stay hopeful during trying times.

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