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Newly Published Book by Kitt Swanson

Troubles Don’t Last, You Do! STILL STANDING! No obstacle Satan hurls your way will last. In every instance, you emerge victoriously. Life’s troubles are equal to speed bumps, you slow down just enough to drive over them, thump, thump, and then those bumps become a distant memory. The power residing in you helps you overcome adversity, resolve problems, and find peace. The only resolution to the never-ending problems of life is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Your relationship with him and the Father is sacred and eternal. Rest assured that at the end of all your trials, eternal bliss is waiting. With God as the benevolent guide: Troubles Don't Last, You Do!   Order your copy today        A must read when life seems hopeless and Satan's unshakable grip has you        a downward spiral. It's a biblical guide to peace and surviving life's hardships. ...
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We can get into situations that require God’s help to get out of it.  Wisdom above is needed to get out of the trouble that evil thinking led us into.  And instead of asking what God said to handle the situation you ask everyone around you. You will get 30 different opinions from 20 different people.  You need someone who will give you what God says on the matter. Have you asked the One who truly has the answer you seek? Don't be like my son who rather takes action instead of asking for permission. God wants us to gain knowledge from his word and find out what he says about how to handle our troubles.  Then in prayer, call on the Holy Spirit to guide you.  God will give you stuff you never would have come up with on your own. Ask Gideon in the Bible.  He thought he had the answer to his war problem.   Gideon wanted to take an Army to defeat his enemy. God's wisdom said to take 300.  Joshua led God's people around a city wall for sev...


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I want to take you on a journey of the mind. Pretend with me.  Say you went to an expensive dinner in an elegant restaurant? While you wait to be seated, you notice the décor’ of the room. The matradee walks you to your table.  You run your fingers through the centerpiece to see if the flowers real, all white roses.  The table cloth white with hand-polished, diamond-stud handle silverware. Got the picture?      This imagery illustrates Mark 9:43-46. Jesus unveils body parts that entraps one into sin. Those parts mentioned in the scripture are hands, eyes and feet.  Notice entering the restaurant, your recognize the décor’; you couldn’t look away.  Your feet takes you to that part of the room that captures your attention. Finally, your hands reaches for the very thing you desired, the flowers. This is a visual step-by-step on how sin occurs in stages. Observe  Eve's entrapment in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:9).  She looked a th...
(A Poem to keep your focus during trying times) It's Not Always Easy It's not always easy to smile and be nice, when you are called to sacrifice. It's not always easy to put others first. Especially when tired and feeling  your worst. It's not always easy to do the Father's Will. It wasn't so easy for Jesus to climb Calvary's Hill. But we as HIS Children should learn to obey; not seeking our own, but seeking HIS way. It's not always easy to fight the good fight, but it's always good and its always right! K eep your head to sky. Keep the faith. Stay strong. What comes your way, God will handle. What isn't easy, is done to see if you will do what's right. Make the Father proud, by putting your armor on (Eph Chapter 6.)

Take Heed

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About Me

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Kitt Swanson
Tampa, Florida, United States
Check out my newest published book: Troubles Don't Last, You Do! It motivates and inspires you to stay hopeful during trying times.